This is Automobile Engineering MCQ page-21.

Automobile Engineering MCQ page-21
Question 201:- The process in which hydrocarbons are decomposed into smaller hydrocarbons is called
(a) cracking
(b) reforming
(c) polymerisation
(d) alkylation

Question 202:- The calorific value of gasoline is about
(a) 45 J/kg
(b) 45 kJ/kg
(c) 45 MJ/kg
(d) 45 GJ/kg

Question 203:- The calorific value of alcohol is
(a) less than that of gasoline
(b) equals to that of gasoline
(c) more than that of gasoline
(d) depends upon type of the engine where used

Question 204:- The octane number of iso-octane is
(a) 0
(b) 10
(c) 80
(d) 100

Question 205:- One effect of detonation is
(a) delay in ignition
(b) interruption in lubrication
(c) loss of power
(d) deterioration in the quality of air-fuel mixture

Question 206:- An effective method of prevention of detonation is the
(a) cooling of the charge
(b) heating of the charge
(c) locating spark plug at one end of the combustion chamber
(d) reducing the quantity of aromatics in the fuel used.

Question 207:- Octane number of Indian lead-free petrol is
(a) less than octane number of leaded petrol
(b) equal to octane number of leaded petrol
(c) greater than octane number of leaded petrol
(d) not specified

Question 208:- The use of tetraethyl lead in gasolines is being gradually discontinued because
(a) it is costly
(b) it has bad odour
(c) it blocks the catalytic converter
(d) it decreases the engine efficiency

Question 209:- The function of quench area in a wedge-shaped combustion chamber is to
(a) improve the compression ratio
(b) cool the end gases
(c) decrease the volume of combustion chamber
(d) increase the area of combustion chamber

Question 210:- An indication of ignition quality of a diesel fuel is given by
(a) detonation
(b) octane number
(c) preignition
(d) cetane number

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