Home >> Nursing Research MCQ Set-1
This is Nursing Research MCQ Set-1 containing mcq from question 01 to 10 which are very important for staff nurse, AIIMS, PGIMER nursing recruitment examinations. MCQ are given below:
Nursing Research Question Number-01
The only step involved in qualitative research process is
(a) Getting entry into research setting
(b) Random selection of sample
(c) using a structured questionnaire for data collection
(d) Using inferential statistics for analysis of data
Nursing Research Question Number-02
Which of the following research steps is completed first?
(a) Determining the population
(b) Identification of a problem
(c) Formulation of research question or hypothesis
(d) Literature review
Nursing Research Question Number-03
All of the following are steps of quantitative research, except
(a) Formulation of research problem
(b) Formulation of research questions
(c) Data analysis
(d) Systemic review of research study
Nursing Research Question Number-04
Barriers of Evidence based Practice includes all of the following except
(a) Higher work load
(b) Lack of knowledge
(c) Lack of scientific literature
(d) Lack of skills in conducting computer based literature
Nursing Research Question Number-05
All of the following are the purpose of Evidence Based practice except
(a) to abolish wrong practices
(b) To improve quality of patient care
(c) To obtain more research funds from agencies
(d) To improve the patient-care outcome
Nursing Research MCQ Number-06
A method of integrating the findings of prior research studies using statistical procedures is
(a) Meta-analysis
(b) Content analysis
(c) Secondary analysis
(d) Systematic analysis
Nursing Research MCQ Number-07
Which of the following level of evidence is placed at the top of the hierarchy of evidence?
(a) A consensus of opinion from experts of the subject
(b) Meta-analysis of multiple randomized clinical trials
(c) Results from a single well-controlled experimental study with a large sample size
(d) Results from a well designed cohort studies
Nursing Research MCQ Number-08
Quantitative research is a process to
(a) Describe lived experiences of people
(b) Develop theories and hypothesis
(c) Evaluate theories and hypothesis
(d) Obtain feelings and beliefs of the people
Nursing Research MCQ Number-09
Which of the following type of studies is an example of qualitative research method
(a) Cross sectional design
(b) Correlational studies
(c) Ethnography
(d) Survey design
Nursing Research MCQ Number-10
Which scientific method often focuses on generating new hypotheses and theories?
(a) Deductive method
(b) Inductive method
(c) Hypothesis method
(d) Pattern method
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