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Community health nursing MCQ Question 11:-

Malaria parasite was discovered by?

(a) Robert Koch

(c) Laveran

(b) Louis Pasteur

(d) Ronald Ross

Ans: (c) Laveran ✔

Community health nursing MCQ Question 12:-

Father of Indian surgery is

(a) Dhanvantari

(c) Sushruta

(b) Charaka

(d) Atreya 

Ans: (c) Sushruta ✔

Community health nursing MCQ Question 13:-

Who discovered tuberculin skin test?

(a) Von Pirquet

(c) Ronald Ross

(b) Louis Pasteur

(d) Edward Jenner

Ans: (a) Von Pirquet ✔

Community health nursing MCQ Question 14:-

One characteristic of the integrative model of Health Care is

(a) increased cost
(b) a focus on physical disease status
(c) and integration of Mind body spirit
(d) the plan of care is directed by the Healthcare provider

Ans: (c) and integration of Mind body spirit ✔

Community health nursing MCQ Question 15:-

Nursing interventions directed at Health Promotion in the older adult are primarily focused on

(a) disease management
(b) controlling symptoms of illness
(c) teaching positive health behaviours
(d) teaching regarding nutrition to enhance longevity 

Ans: (c) teaching positive health behaviours ✔

Community health nursing MCQ Question 16:-

Prevention of risk factors is known as

(a) primordial prevention
(b) Primary prevention
(c) secondary prevention
(d) tertiary prevention

Ans: (a) primordial prevention ✔

Community health nursing MCQ Question 17:-

Life cycle from egg to a complete adult mosquito take

(a) 2-6 days
(b) 7-10 days
(c) 10-15 days
(d) 14-21 days

Ans: (b) 7-10 days ✔

Community health nursing MCQ Question 18:-

Man is an intermediate host of all of the following except

(a) Malaria
(b) toxoplasmosis
(c) hydatid disease
(d) Kala Azar

Ans: (d) Kala Azar ✔

Community health nursing MCQ Question 19:-

Venturi meter is used for measuring

(a) the bed strength in slow sand filter
(b)  air flow direction
(c) amount required from chlorination
(d) Airflow velocity

Ans: (a) the bed strength in slow sand filter ✔

Community health nursing MCQ Question 20:-

Vande- Mataram scheme is included in

(a) RCH program
(b) JSY program
(c) IMNCI program
(d) ICDS program

Ans: (a) RCH program ✔


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