Obstetric and Gynaecology MCQ Set-57
Obstetric and Gynaecology Nursing MCQ Question 526:-
What is the endometrium called after conception?
(a) Parimetrium
(b) Myometrium
(c) Decidua
(d) Prometrium
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Ans: (c) Decidua ✔
The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus. After conception, the endometrium undergoes significant changes to prepare for implantation and support the growing embryo. During this phase, the endometrium is referred to as the decidua, which is further divided into three parts:
Decidua basalis: The part beneath the implanted embryo, contributing to the maternal portion of the placenta.
Decidua capsularis: The part surrounding the embryo.
Decidua parietalis: The remaining uterine lining not directly involved with the embryo.
Correct Answer: (c) Decidua
Obstetric and Gynaecology Nursing MCQ Question 527:-
What is the primary hormonal change during menopause?
(a) Fall in serum oestradiol level
(b) Increase in FSH level
(c) Increase in LH level
(d) Fall in testosterone
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Ans: (b) Increase in FSH level ✔
Rationale: –
During menopause, the ovaries lose their ability to produce eggs, leading to a decline in estrogen (oestradiol) levels. This reduction in estrogen results in a loss of negative feedback to the pituitary gland, causing an increase in Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) levels. FSH levels are used clinically as a key diagnostic marker for menopause.
While other changes, such as an increase in LH and a decline in oestradiol, also occur, the most significant and measurable hormonal change is the increase in FSH levels.
Correct Answer: (b) Increase in FSH level
Obstetric and Gynaecology Nursing MCQ Question 528:-
Constipation may be a problem during pregnancy due to the proximity of the rectum and uterus. Where is the rectum located in relation to the uterus?
(a) In front of the uterus
(b) At the back of the uterus
(c) To the left of the uterus
(d) Above the uterus
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Ans: (b) At the back of the uterus ✔
The rectum is anatomically located posterior (at the back) to the uterus in females. During pregnancy, the growing uterus exerts pressure on nearby structures, including the rectum, which can lead to slower bowel movements and constipation. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, particularly increased progesterone levels, also relax smooth muscles, further slowing intestinal motility and exacerbating constipation.
Thus, the proximity of the rectum behind the uterus plays a significant role in contributing to constipation during pregnancy.
Obstetric and Gynaecology Nursing MCQ Question 529:-
Which pelvic shape has the poorest prognosis for vaginal delivery?
(a) Platypelloid
(b) Anthropoid
(c) Android
(d) Gynecoid
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Ans: (c) Android ✔
The shape of the maternal pelvis significantly impacts the prognosis for vaginal delivery. There are four main pelvic types:
Gynecoid: The most common and ideal pelvic shape for vaginal delivery. It has a round inlet, wide transverse diameter, and spacious cavity, facilitating the passage of the baby.
Anthropoid: An oval-shaped pelvis with a larger anteroposterior diameter. While it is less optimal than the gynecoid pelvis, it generally supports vaginal delivery.
Platypelloid: A flat pelvis with a wide transverse diameter and a shallow anteroposterior dimension. It can pose challenges for vaginal delivery, but the prognosis is better than that of the android pelvis.
Android: A heart-shaped pelvis with a narrow pelvic inlet, reduced anterior and posterior dimensions, and prominent ischial spines. This pelvic shape is associated with poor prognosis for vaginal delivery due to a higher likelihood of cephalopelvic disproportion and obstructed labor, often necessitating operative interventions like cesarean section.
The android pelvis has the poorest prognosis for vaginal delivery due to its narrow dimensions and structural features that hinder the baby’s passage.
Obstetric and Gynaecology Nursing MCQ Question 530:-
A child’s heredity is determined at the time of
(a) Viability
(b) Delivery
(c) Conception
(d) Infancy
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Ans: (c) Conception ✔
A child’s heredity is determined at the moment of conception, when the sperm from the father and the egg from the mother combine. This union forms a zygote, which carries genetic material from both parents. The genes in the sperm and egg determine the child’s traits, such as eye color, height, and even some health conditions.
Heredity is fixed at conception and does not change during viability (when the fetus can survive outside the womb), delivery, or infancy.
Obstetric and Gynaecology Nursing MCQ Question 531:-
What is the site of fertilization in the female reproductive system?
(a) Ovary
(b) Cervix
(c) Uterus
(d) Fallopian tube
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Ans: (d) Fallopian tube ✔
Fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tube, specifically in its widest part, called the ampulla. During ovulation, the ovary releases an egg, which is captured by the fallopian tube. Sperm travels through the female reproductive tract and meets the egg in the fallopian tube. If fertilization occurs, the resulting zygote travels to the uterus for implantation.
The ovary produces eggs but is not the site of fertilization. The cervix and uterus are part of the reproductive pathway but play no direct role in fertilization.
Thus, the fallopian tube is the correct answer.
Obstetric and Gynaecology Nursing MCQ Question 532:-
What is menarche?
(a) The entire span of the menstrual cycle from onset to menopause
(b) A girl’s first menstruation
(c) The first year of menstruation which usually occurs without ovulation
(d) The onset of uterine maturation
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Ans: (b) A girl’s first menstruation ✔
Explanation with Option Rationale:
(a) The entire span of the menstrual cycle from onset to menopause
This describes the reproductive lifespan, not menarche. Menarche refers specifically to the first occurrence of menstruation, marking the beginning of a girl’s reproductive years.
(b) A girl’s first menstruation
This is the correct definition of menarche. It is the first menstrual period experienced by a girl, usually occurring between the ages of 10 and 15, signaling the start of puberty and reproductive capability.
(c) The first year of menstruation which usually occurs without ovulation
While it is true that menstrual cycles during the first year after menarche are often anovulatory (without ovulation), this is not the definition of menarche. Menarche specifically refers to the first menstruation, not the entire first year.
(d) The onset of uterine maturation
Uterine maturation occurs as part of puberty and hormonal changes, but this does not define menarche. Menarche is a distinct event marking the start of menstrual bleeding.
Final Answer:
Menarche is best defined as a girl’s first menstruation (b).
Obstetric and Gynaecology Nursing MCQ Question 533:-
What is usually the first evidence of pubertal development in females?
(a) Onset of menarche
(b) Appearance of breast buds
(c) Appearance of axillary and pubic hair
(d) Onset of growth spurt
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Ans: (b) Appearance of breast buds ✔
Explanation with Option Rationale:
(a) Onset of menarche
Incorrect: Menarche, the first menstrual period, typically occurs later in the sequence of pubertal events, usually 2–3 years after the appearance of breast buds.
(b) Appearance of breast buds
Correct: The development of breast buds (also called thelarche) is the earliest physical sign of puberty in most females. It results from hormonal changes, particularly the rise in estrogen, and usually occurs around 8–13 years of age.
(c) Appearance of axillary and pubic hair
Incorrect: The growth of pubic and axillary hair (pubarche) is stimulated by androgens and usually follows the development of breast buds. It is not the first sign of puberty.
(d) Onset of growth spurt
Incorrect: While the growth spurt occurs early in puberty, it typically begins after breast bud development and is not the earliest sign of puberty.
Final Answer:
The first evidence of pubertal development in females is usually the appearance of breast buds (b).
Obstetric and Gynaecology Nursing MCQ Question 534:-
What is the Huhner test used for?
(a) To determine the number, motility, and activity of sperm
(b) To determine ABO incompatibility reaction between mother and newborn
(c) To assess the respiratory maturity of a newborn
(d) To assess the respiratory distress of a newborn baby
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Ans: (a) To determine the number, motility, and activity of sperm ✔
Explanation with Option Rationale:
(a) To determine the number, motility, and activity of sperm
Correct: The Huhner test, also called the post-coital test, is used in infertility evaluations to assess sperm survival and movement in cervical mucus after intercourse. The test helps determine whether sperm are able to move through and survive in the cervical mucus, which is critical for fertilization.
(b) To determine ABO incompatibility reaction between mother and newborn
Incorrect: ABO incompatibility testing involves blood typing and antibody screening, not the Huhner test. This test is unrelated to sperm analysis or cervical mucus.
(c) To assess the respiratory maturity of a newborn
Incorrect: Respiratory maturity of a fetus is typically assessed using tests such as the lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio in amniotic fluid, not the Huhner test.
(d) To assess the respiratory distress of a newborn baby
Incorrect: Respiratory distress in newborns is diagnosed clinically and with imaging studies like chest X-rays or oxygen saturation tests. The Huhner test has no relevance in this context.
Final Answer:
The Huhner test is used to determine the number, motility, and activity of sperm (a).
Obstetric and Gynaecology Nursing MCQ Question 535:-
All are true regarding vernix caseosa except
(a) secreted by sebceous gland
(b) Mixture of sebum and epidermis
(c) appear like white covering over the skin
(d) it is disturbed uniformly
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Ans: (d) it is disturbed uniformly ✔
Explanation with Option Rationale:
(a) Secreted by sebaceous glands
Correct: Vernix caseosa is secreted by the sebaceous glands of the fetus. These glands produce a fatty, waxy substance that covers and protects the fetus’s skin in the womb.
(b) Mixture of sebum and epidermis
Correct: Vernix caseosa is indeed a mixture of sebum (from sebaceous glands) and shed epidermal cells. This combination helps protect the fetal skin from amniotic fluid and provides some lubrication during birth.
(c) Appears like a white covering over the skin
Correct: Vernix caseosa typically appears as a white, creamy substance that covers the skin of the fetus, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy.
(d) It is distributed uniformly
Incorrect: Vernix caseosa is not uniformly distributed across the skin. It is usually more concentrated in areas like the creases, folds, and around the ears or genital area. The amount decreases as the pregnancy progresses and near the time of birth.
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