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This is Anatomy and Physiology mcq set-5 containing mcq from question 41 to 45 in the series of hundreds Anatomy and Physiology MCQ which are very important for Staff Nurse, AIIMS, PGIMER nursing recruitment examinations. MCQ are given below:

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 41:-

In following which nerve supplies the diaphragm-

(a) Phrenic
(b) Peroneal
(c) Radial
(d) Intercostal

Ans: (a) Phrenic ✔

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 42:-

The nerve which supplies the adductor muscles of the thigh is known as-

(a) Obturator nerve
(b) Saphenous nerve
(c). Tibial nerve
(d) Radial nerve

Ans: (a) Obturator nerve ✔

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 43:-

Corpus callosum of cerebrum is made up of –

(a) White matter
(b) Yellow matter
(c) Grey matter
(d) Pink matter

Ans: (a) White matter ✔

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 44:-

The structure which connects the cerebral cortex ✓ with lower parts of the brain & with the spinal cord is, termed as-

(a) Corpus callosum
(b) Septum lucidum
(c) Falx cerebelli
(d) Internal capsule

Ans: (d) Internal capsule ✔

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 45:-

In following which nerve is not a branch of brachial plexus-

(a) Axillary nerve
(b) Median nerve
(c) Radial nerve
(d) Subcostal nerve

Ans: (d) Subcostal nerve ✔


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