Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 516:-

The pancreas produces which two hormones:

(a) Insulin and glucagon
(b) epinephrine and insulin
(c) melatonin and glucagon
(d) glucagon and epinephrine

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 517:-

Cardiac sphincter is situated at

(a) Heart
(b) Cardiam
(c) End of esophagus
(d) End of stomach

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 518:-

Which of these structures holds the small intestine in its position?

(a) Mesentery
(b) Mesocolon
(c) Lesser omentum
(d) Greater omentum

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 519:-

The group of nerves that is located in the submucosal layer to regulate the secretory activities of the intestine is called

(a) Meissner’s plexus
(b) Auerbach’s plexus
(c) Vagal nerve
(d) Sympathetic nerve

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 520:-

Which of these statements is true regarding food nutrients consumed by humans?

(a)The carbohydrate nutrient, insufficient amounts, serves as the main source of body fuel
(b) Essential amino acids are synthesized in the body to form any substance or materials for the body
(c) the building blocks of lipids are the amino and carboxyl Groups that serves as a storage of energy
(d) dietary fibers are digestible carbohydrates that provide the alternative source of energy

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 521:-

Ashok is at risk of diuretic- included hyperkalemia. Which of the following food that has the highest content of potassium would you advise him to consume?

(a) Chicken
(b) potatoes
(c) banana
(d) soya milk

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 512:-

The energy exchange molecule that stores and releases energy as required by the body is the

(a) Nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide
(b) Flavin-adenine dinucleotide
(c) Adenosine triphosphate
(d) Adenosine diphosphate

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 523:-

The presence of analyse in the serves the purpose of

(a) Washing away food particles to cleanse the mouth
(b) lubricating the food to minimize friction with oral mucosal
(c) Destroying harmful bacteria to prevent oral infection
(d) Catalyzing the chemical reaction for the digestion of starch

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 524:-

The surface area for absorption in enlarged by the following structures of the small intestine except

(a) Crypts of lieberkuhn
(b) Plicace circularis
(c) Villus
(d) Microvillus

Anatomy and Physiology MCQ Question 525:-

The flow of pancreatic juice into the duodenum is controlled by the

(a) Ampulla of Vater
(b) duct of Wirsung
(c) Sphincter of oddi
(d) Pyloric antrum


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