Home >> Surveying MCQ Set-1

Surveying MCQ set-1 Question 1:-

Geodetic survey is different from plane surveying because of

(a) Very large area is covered
(b) The curvature of the earth is considered
(c) The topography is bad
(d) The large difference of elevations.

Ans: (b) The curvature of the earth is considered

Geodetic survey is different from plane surveying because of the curvature of the earth is considered

Surveying MCQ Question 2:-

Principle of surveying followed to prevent accumulation of errors is

(a) To work from whole to the part
(b) To work from part to whole
(c) None of the above
(d) Both (a) and (b) above

Ans: (a) To work from whole to the part

Principle of surveying followed to prevent accumulation of errors is to work from whole to the part to work from whole to the part

Surveying MCQ Question 3:-

Hydrographic survey deal with the mapping of

(a) Large water bodies
(b) Rainfall data
(c) Wave movement
(d) None of the above

Ans: (a) Large water bodies

Hydrographic survey deal with the mapping of large water bodies.

Surveying MCQ Question 4:-

If the smallest division of a vernier is longer than the smallest division of its primary scale, the vernier is known as

(a) Direct vernier
(b) Double vernier
(c) Simple vernier
(d) Retrograde vernier

Ans: (d) Retrograde vernier ✔

If the smallest division of a vernier is longer than the smallest division of its primary scale, the vernier is known as Retrograde vernier.

Surveying MCQ Question 5:-

The curvature of the earth’s surface is taken into account only if the extent of survey is more than

(a) 80 sq km
(b) 500 sq km
(c) 260 sq km
(d) 1500 sq km

Ans: (c) 260 sq km ✔

The curvature of the earth’s surface is taken into account only if the extent of survey is more than 260 sq km.

Surveying MCQ Question 6:-

The errors which are variable in sign (plus error tending to be as frequent as minus errors) and tends to balance out in the final results are called

(a) Cumulative errors
(b) Compensating errors
(c) Neutral errors
(d) Instrumental errors

Ans: (b) Compensating errors ✔

Surveying MCQ Question 7:-

The scale on which three dimensions can be measured is known as

(a) Plain scale
(b) Diagonal scale
(c) Chord scale
(d) Vernier scale

Ans: (b) Diagonal scale ✔

Surveying MCQ Question 8:-

As per Indian standard, the length of one link in 30 meter chain should be

(a) 20 cm
(b) 30 cm
(c) 40 cm
(d) 10 cm

Ans: (a) 20 cm ✔

Surveying MCQ Question 9:-

A discrepancy is the difference between

(a) True value and error
(b) Measured value and actual value
(c) Two measured values of the same quantity
(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) Two measured values of the same quantity ✔

Surveying MCQ Question 10:-

Off sets are

(a) Chain lines out of alignment
(b) Small measurements from chain line surveying
(c) Measurements taken in chain
(d) None of the above

Ans: (b) Small measurements from chain line surveying ✔


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