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This is Nutrition and Biochemistry mcq set-8 containing mcq from question 46 to 50 in the series of hundreds Nutrition and Biochemistry MCQ which are very important for staff nurse, AIIMS, PGIMER nursing recruitment examinations. MCQ are given below:

Nutrition and Biochemistry MCQ Question 46:-

The recommended energy requirement in reference Indian woman (45 kg- moderate work) is-

(a) 1900 kcal
(b) 2230 kcal
(c) 3000 kcal
(d) 2800 kcal

Ans: (b) 2230 kcal ✔

Nutrition and Biochemistry MCQ Question 47:-

Which of the following mineral element cause pathological changes in bones and teeth in its deficiency as well as in excess-

(a) Chlorine
(b) Zinc
(c) Iodine
(d) Fluorine

Ans: (d) Fluorine ✔

Nutrition and Biochemistry MCQ Question 48:-

Functions of iron includes-

(a) Formation of haemoglobin
(b) Brain development
(c) Muscle activity
(d) All of the above

Ans: (d) All of the above ✔

Nutrition and Biochemistry MCQ Question 49:-

How much extra proteins is required for a lactating woman in first 6 months in addition to recommended daily allowance of 1 gm/kg of body weight-

(a) 10 gm
(b) 23 gm
(c) 19 gm
(d) 30 gm

Ans: (c) 19 gm ✔

Nutrition and Biochemistry MCQ Question 50:-

Daily requirement of protein for moderate worker (45 kg) pregnant mother is-

(a) 50 gm
(b) 70 gm
(c) 78 gm
(d) 65 gm

Ans: (c) 78 gm ✔


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