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Microbiology MCQ Question 81:-

In following which is not a characteristic feature of eukaryotic cells-

(a) Presence of mitotic division
(b) Linear DNA
(c) 70S Ribosome
(d) Presence of mitochondria

Ans: (c) 70S Ribosome ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 82:-

In following which test is also known as “Tuberculin test”-

(a) Dick test
(b) Schick test
(c) Mantoux test
(d) Widal Test

Ans: (c) Mantoux test ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 83-

Mycobacterium leprae is also known as……

(a) Golden bacilli
(b) Koch’s bacillus
(c) Magical bacilli
(d) Hansen’s bacilli

Ans: (d) Hansen’s bacilli ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 84:-

The viruses transmitted by parental route are all except-

(a) Hepatitis – B
(b) Hepatitis – C
(c) HIV
(d) Measles

Ans: (d) Measles ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 85:-

Mycobacterium leprae is known as…..

(a) Golden bacilli
(b) Koch’s bacillus
(c) Magical bacilli
(d) Hansen’s bacilli

Ans: (b) Koch’s bacillus ✔


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