Microbiology MCQ Question 71:-

Which of the following is bactericidal in action-

(a) Fatty acids in oil of skin glands
(b) Cerumen of ceruminous glands of ear
(c) Lysozymes in tears and sweat
(d) All of the above

Ans: (d) All of the above ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 72:-

The method of reducing the number of pathogens from any article, surface orq medium is known as (ISRO)

(a) Sterilization
(b) Incineration
(c) Disinfection
(d) Lysis

Ans: (c) Disinfection ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 73-

T-lymphocytes are involved in-

(a) Humoral or antibody mediated immunity
(b) Cellular or cell mediated immunity
(c) Both of these
(d) They do not produce immunity

Ans: (b) Cellular or cell mediated immunity ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 74:-

Which among the following is a contribution by Louis Pasteur in the field of microbiology?

(a) Techniques of Pasteurization
(b) Process of Fermentation
(c) Rabies, cholera and anthrax vaccine
(d) All the above

Ans: (d) All the above ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 75:-

The diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans are called-

(a) Parasitic diseases
(b) Protozoal diseases
(c) Helminthic diseases
(d) Zoonotic diseases

Ans: (d) Zoonotic diseases ✔


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