This is Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ page 6 containing mcq from question 51 to 60 in the series of hundreds of Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ which are very important for staff nurse, AIIMS, PGIMER nursing recruitment examinations. MCQ are given below:

Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ Number-51

Crackling sounds bilaterally at the bases of lungs is referred as:

(a) Rhonchi
(b) Wheezing
(c) Rales
(d) Pleural rub

Ans: (c) Rales

Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ Number-52

Which of the following is NOT an attribute of a professional?

(a) Concerned with quantity
(b) Concerned with quality of outcome
(c) Independent
(d) Self directed

Ans:(a) Concerned with quantity

Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ Number-53

Which of the following chemical is most powerful disinfectant?

(a) Dettol
(b) Lysol
(c) Phenol
(d) KMnO4

Ans: (c) Phenol

Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ Number-54

The reagent used for testing urine sugar is:

(a) Benedict’s reagent
(b) Sahli’s agent
(c) Rothera’s reagent
(d) None of the above

Ans: (a) Benedict’s reagent

Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ Number-55

The most common complication that can develop in a client with long history of smoking is

(a) Peptic ulcer
(b) Cardiopulmonary diseaseand lung cancer
(c) Stress-related illness
(d) Diabetes and obesity

Ans: (b) Cardiopulmonary diseaseand lung cancer

Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ Number-56

Which among the following patient’s condition the nurse will inform to the physician first?

(a) Patient who is having severe pain
(b) Patient who is on ventilator with fluctuating level of blood sugar
(c) Patient had surgery and become unconscious
(d) Patient with decreased urine output

Ans: (c) Patient had surgery and become unconscious

Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ Number-57

The nurse needs to…………………while lifting or carrying heavy object

(a) Keep the Knees close to each other
(b) Maintain a wide base or support
(c) Bend the back perpendicular to the body
(d) Hold objects away from the body

Ans: (b) Maintain a wide base or support

Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ Number-58

“Do you feel discomfort now?” This is an example of

(a) Open ended question
(b) Close ended question
(c) Probing
(d) Restating

Ans: (b) Close ended question

Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ Number-59

Patient oriented outcomes should be derived from

(a) Nursing diagnosis
(b) Assessment
(c) Evaluation
(d) Planned intervention

Ans: (a) Nursing diagnosis

Fundamentals of Nursing MCQ Number-50

Which of the following poisoning that form a strong bond with hemoglobin and creates a functional anemia?

(a) Carbon monoxide poisoning
(b) Atropine poisoning
(c) Organophosphorus poisoning
(d) Arsenic poisoning

Ans: (a) Carbon monoxide poisoning


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