Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Set-27

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 191:-

What should the nurse do while preparing the client for thoracentesis?

(a) administer anticholinergics as ordered
(b) keep the patient NPO for 6 hours
(c) explain the procedure to him
(d) prepare him to go to the operating room

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 192:-

A patient, with portex tracheostomy tube, develops sudden complete blockage of the tube. which of the following is the best intervention to prevent complication?

(a) Auscultate for breath sounds
(b) deflate the tracheostomy cuff and supply high flow oxygen
(c) suction of tube with normal saline
(d) immediate removal of tracheostomy tube

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 193:-

Which among the following devices assist a critical patient in breathing?

(a) Gamco machine
(b) ventilator machine
(c) defibrillator machine
(d) oxygen humidifier

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 194:-

A client for smokes two packs of cigarettes per day is most at risk postoperatively for?

(a) Infection
(b) pneumonia
(c) hypertension
(d) cardiac dysrhythmias

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 195:-

When the best time for beginners to collect the Sputum specimen?

(a) in the morning right after the client awaken
(b) immediately after breakfast
(c) 2 hours after eating
(d) shortly before the patient retires for the evening

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 196:-

An adult man has a tracheostomy tube in place. which of the following actions is appropriate for the nurse to take when suctioning the tracheostomy?

(a)Use a sterile tube each time and suction for 20 seconds
(b) use sterile technique and turn the suction off the catheter is introduced
(c)Use Clean technique and suction for 15 seconds
(d) discard the catheter at the end of every shift

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 197:-

Which of the following is a risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis and peripheral vascular disease (PVD)?

(a)Low levels of triglycerides concentration
(b) High levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL)
(c) low levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL)
(d) high levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL)

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 198:-

Common side effect of nitroglycerin includes

(a) high blood pressure
(b) headache
(c) shortness of breath
(d) constipation

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 199:-

A client has been admitted with a diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and receiving chemotherapy. which of the following should be monitored to assess the patient for the development of life threatening thrombocytopenia?

(a) Diarrhoea
(b) intermittent fever
(c) headache
(d) hematuria

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 200:-

Correct position of hand placement during chest compression is

(a) anywhere along the sternum
(b) upper portion of the sternum
(c) middle portion of the sternum
(d) lower portion of the sternum

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