This is .Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing mcq set-10.

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing mcq set-10 Question 61:-

Which of the following sentence is false-

(a) During pregnancy there is enlargement of the body of uterus
(b) Weight of uterus at term is about 200-800 gms.
(c) In multiparae at term the position of uterus is commonly anteverted
(d) The shape of the uterus becomes spherical beyond 36th weeks

Ans: (b) Weight of uterus at term is about 200-800 gms. ✔

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 62:-

Braxtons hicks contractions are-

(a) Uterine contractions in pregnancy
(b) Cardiac contractions in pregnancy
(c) Uterine contractions during puberty
(d) The uterine contractions that occur after delivery of baby

Ans: (a) Uterine contractions in pregnancy ✔

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 63:-

The weight of uterus at term is about-

(a) 200-300 gm
(b) 900-1000 gm
(c) 2-3 kg
(d) 400-500 gm

Ans: (b) 900-1000 gm ✔

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 64:-

In human being posterior fontanelle is formed by junction of following sutures-

(a) Sagittal suture anteriorly, and lambdoid suture on either side
(b) Frontal anteriorly, posteriorly lambdoid and coronal on either side
(c) Frontal anteriorly and lambdoid suture on either side
(d) Frontal anteriorly, sagittal posteriorly and coronal suture on either side

Ans: (a) Sagittal suture anteriorly, and lambdoid suture on either side ✔

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 65:-

Duration of IIIrd stage of labour is-

(a) 2 hours
(b) 4 hours
(c) 45 minutes
(d) 15 minutes

Ans: (d) 15 minutes ✔


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