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This is Nursing Research mcq set-6 containing mcq from question 51 to 60 in the series of hundreds Nursing Research MCQ which are very important for staff nurse, AIIMS, PGIMER nursing recruitment examinations. MCQ are given below:

Nursing Research MCQ Question 51:-

Which of the following is considered as a bibliography data-base for biomedical literature

(a) Google
(b) Medline
(c) MSN search

Ans: (b) Medline ✔

Nursing Research MCQ Question 52:-

All of the following techniques deals with extraneous variables in quantitative research except

(a) Randomization
(b) Repeated measures
(c) Homogeneity
(d) Bracketing

Ans: (d) Bracketing ✔

Nursing Research MCQ Question 53:-

Which of the following is not true of computer based PubMed search.

(a) Keywords are unrelated to Mesh
(b) Boolean operators ‘AND’ or ‘NOT’ can be used
(c) Google search for PubMed then proceeds further
(d) search can be limited by years

Ans: (a) Keywords are unrelated to Mesh ✔

Nursing Research MCQ Question 54:-

Which of the following is true regarding writing review of literature?

(a) Avoid long paragraphs
(b) Avoid short paragraphs
(c) Avoid link between connected paragraphs
(d) Avoid pointing out gaps between literature

Ans: (a) Avoid long paragraphs ✔

Nursing Research MCQ Question 55:-

A critical aspect of beginning a database search for relevant literature on a topic of interest involves identifying:

(a) Reference management software
(b) Electronic journals
(c) Keywords
(d) Existing knowledge

Ans: (c) Keywords ✔

Nursing Research MCQ Question 56:-

Which of the following is the criteria of primary source of literature?

(a) Interview based primary data only
(b) Record based data
(c) Original articles published in a journal
(d) Meta analysis data published in a journal

Ans: (c) Original articles published in a journal ✔

Nursing Research MCQ Question 57:-

In a peer-reviewed journal, the articles are published on the basis of

(a) Subjective discretion of the editors
(b) Number of authors listed
(c) Sincerity of the authors listed
(d) Comments of the reviewers

Ans: (d) Comments of the reviewers ✔

Nursing Research MCQ Question 58:-

The most useful abstracting index for nursing literature is

(a) ERIc
(c) Pubmed
(d) Psych INFO

Ans: (b) CINAHL ✔

Nursing Research MCQ Question 59:-

Which of the following is considered to be the highest quality type of literature?

(a) Research articles in a peer-reviewed journal
(b) Secondary sources
(c) Books
(d) Research reports in a conference proceedings

Ans: (a) Research articles in a peer-reviewed journal ✔

Nursing Research MCQ Question 60:-

In quantitative research process, the literature review is done

(a) At the end of the research process
(b) Just before analysing the data
(c) Early in the research process
(d) While preparing manuscript for publication

Ans: (c) Early in the research process ✔


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