Microbiology MCQ Question 66:-

An organism which takes its food from another organism without giving anything in return is called as-

(a) Host
(b) Parasite
(c) Carrier
(d) Agent

Ans: (b) Parasite ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 67:-

Diagnostic test used for scarlet fever is….

(a) Mantoux test
(b) Dick test
(c) Schick test
(d) Widal test

Ans: (b) Dick test ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 68-

If a person shows production of interferons in his body, the possibility is that he has got an infection of-

(a) Tetanus
(b) Typhoid
(c) Measles
(d) Malaria

Ans: (c) Measles ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 69:-

Diagnostic test used for TB is…

(a) Mantoux test
(b) Dick test
(c) Schick test
(d) Widal test

Ans: (a) Mantoux test ✔

Microbiology MCQ Question 70:-

Which of the following white blood cell release histamine to play role in inflammatory reaction-

(a) Eosinophils
(b) Neutrophils
(c) Monocytes
(d) Basophils

Ans: (d) Basophils ✔


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