Intrduction to obstetric and gynecology MCQ Set-15

In the field of Nursing (ANM, GNM, Bsc. MSc.) obstetric and gynecology is essential subject to study. OBSTETRIC and GYNECOLOGICAL NURSING MCQ Set-15 provides 10 multiple choice questions in the series of hundreds of obstetric and gynecology MCQ.

This set-15 includes important topics like Management of hyperemesis gravidarum with carefully prepared MCQ with with four options to familiarise the students with examinations. Such type MCQ can be asked in various nursing officer recruitment examinations like AIIMS, State PSC, PGIMER so in this set we have prepared these mcqs to practice and learn mcq for on the go study.

Following are MCQs cover key topics and thier importance in Nursing officer examinations. A PDF containing 8000+ Nursing MCQs can be downloaded from below.


 Management of hyperemesis gravidarum includes-

(a) Start IV drip

(b) Anti emetic drugs

(c) Provide rest

(d) All of the above

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 107:-

Which of the following drug is most commonly used for the management of preterm labour-

(a) Antiemetic

(b) Anticonvulsant

(c) Diuretic

(d) Tocolytic

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 108:-

Maternal changes that are usually seen during multiple pregnancy are-

(a) There is increase in weight gain

(b) Plasma volume level increases

(c) Fetoprotein level increases

(d) All of the above

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 109:-

Alarming symptoms of eclampsia are-

(a) Headache

(c) Oliguria

(b) Disturbed sleep

(d) All of the above

Following are mcqs cover obstetric and genecology nursing mcq topics pre-eclampsia, management of pre-eclampsia, prolonged labour and some false sentence question to guess one answer out of four given options. With these MCQs given in this article, students can prepare for their upcoming exams.

Not only this, thousands of MCQs of Nursing have been given in this website, you can also visit them by going to the HOME page, which will help you in passing your Nursing Officer exam.

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 110:-

Maternal complications associated with pre- eclampsia include except-

(a) Eclampsia

(b) Urinary output less than 100 ml/day

(c) HELLP syndrome

(d) Polyuria

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 111:-

In following which sentence is false regarding definitive management of pre-eclampsia-

(a) If pre-eclamptic features subside and the duration of pregnancy is of 28 weeks, then discharge the patient

(b) The diet of the patient should contain 10 mg amount of protein per day

(c) Use antihypertensive drugs to maintain BP

(d) When patient is not responding to treatment then go for caesarian section

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 112:-

Which sentence is false-

(a) Occipito posterior is an abnormal position

(b) Breech presentation is the commonest mal presentation

(c) Commonest lie is longitudinal

(d) Brow presentation is a normal presentation

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 113:-

In following which is not a cause of prolonged labour-

(a) Cephalic presentation

(b) Unripe cervix

(c) PROM

(d) Cephalopelvic disproportion

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 114:-

In following which is a commonest presenting part-

(a) Vertex

(b) Face

(c) Brow

(d) Shoulder

Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing MCQ Question 115:-

In following which sentence is false-

(a) Commonest presentation is cephalic

(b) Brow and face presentation are the examples of oral presentation

(c) Transverse lie is commonest lie

(d) Breech presentation is a malpresentation


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