Nursing Administration and Management MCQ Number-81
Sanctioned posts at school of nursing include all the following, except-
(a) Tutor
(b) Lecturer
(c) Principal
(d) Clinical instructor
Nursing Administration and Management MCQ Number-82
What is the meaning of census report in the hospital-
(a) Number of population around hospital
(b) Number of employees
(c) Number of babies born in hospital
(d) Number of patients at midnight in the hospital
Nursing Administration and Management MCQ Number-83
Function of supervision includes-
(a) Orientation of newly posted staff
(b) Assessment of the workloads of individuals and groups
(c) Facilitating the flow of communications
(d) All of the above
Nursing Administration and Management MCQ Number-84
Which is the patient clinical record-
(a) Intake & output chart
(b) Duty chart of staff nurse
(c) Stock register
(d) Staff performance record
Nursing Administration and Management MCQ Number-85
When authority flows directly from superior to a subordinate, it is termed as-
(a) Functional authority
(b) Line authority
(c) Line and staff authority
(d) Staff authority
Nursing Administration and Management MCQ Number-86
If a patient asks you to pray with him, you should-
RUHS – Post B.Sc. (N) – 2015]
(a) Summan the hospital chaplain or minister of the patient faith
(b) Ask him about his faith because you may not agree with his religious belief.
(c) Comply with his request, asking him if he has any special prayer he would like to say.
(d) Ignore his request, realising that illness after causes a patient concern about spiritual welfare
Nursing Administration and Management MCQ Number-87
A numerical description of expected income and planned expenditures for an organisation for a specified period of time, is termed as-
(a) Audit
(b) Budget
(c) Direction
(d) Cost-accounting
Nursing Administration and Management MCQ Number-88
If the top level has most of the decision making capacity then this type of organisation is called as-
(a) Decentralised
(b) Centralised
(c) Authentic
(d) Presumptive
Nursing Administration and Management MCQ Number-89
A governing plan for accomplishing goals and objectives, is termed as-
(a) Organisation
(b) policy
(c) Staffing pattern
(d) none of above
Nursing Administration and Management MCQ Number-90
What minimum qualification and experience are required for a principal of ANM training centre-
(a) M.Sc. nursing with 2 years of experience
(b) B.Sc. nursing with 5 years of experience
(c) M.Sc. nursing with 3 years of experience
(d) both (b) & (c)
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