Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Set-28

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 201:-

All of the following statements are correct regarding Holter monitoring except

(a) the patient should keep a diary of what activities he does while wearing the monitor
(b) Holter monitor continuously records the heart’s rhythms
(c) it is also known as Ambulatory electrocardiography
(d) Holter monitoring is an invasive procedure

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 202:-

A patient with Pernicious anaemia is receiving vitamin B12 injection. The client asked the nurse how long I will receive the therapy. The best nursing response is…

(a) Till blood level of vitamin B12 become normal
(b) till your hemoglobin level improves
(c) lifelong
(d) for one month

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 203:-

Older adults are more prone to develops hip fracture because of

(a) decreased bone density
(b) sedentary lifestyle
(c) weakness in them
(d) age

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 204:-

What is the expected finding during liquid iron therapy?

(a)Patient teeth are stained
(b) stool is black in colour
(c) complaining of constipation and leg cramps
(d) all of the above

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 205:-

The nurse is providing CPR to a patient after a cardio respiratory arrest. Which of the following in its assessment finding indicates that the patient has been successfully resuscitated?

(a)Positive Babinski’s reflex
(b) response to pain stimuli
(c) palpable carotid pulse
(d) Pupils equals and react light

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 206:-

Heparin acts by:

(a) Interfering with Vitamin K absorption
(b) dissolving existing thrombi
(c) Interacting from that forms and dissolves exacting thrombi
(d) Preventing conversion of factor that are needed in the formation of clots

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 207:-

Most appropriate nursing care to a patient who has been diagnosed as having thrombophlebitis is

(a) elevate the clients legs 90 degree
(b) apply a Heating pad to the involved site
(c) instruct the client about the need for bed rest
(d) provide active range of motion exercises to both legs

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 208:-

The nurse is providing a discharge technique to an adult patient who had a permanent artificial pacemaker implanted. Which of the following information given by the nurse is appropriate?

(a) The client may be allowed to use household electrical appliance
(b) the client should check the pulse rate once a day in the morning upon a awakening
(c)The client should have regular follow of care
(d) the client may engage in contact Sports

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 209:-

All of the following statements are correct about digoxin, except:

(a) it has positive inotropic and negative chronotropic effect
(b) with hold the drugs if the pulse rate is less than 60 per minute
(c) toxicity can occur more easily in the presence of hypokalemia
(d) the positive inotropic effects will decreased urine output

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 210:-

Which of the following statements by the client to the nurse indicates modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease?

(a) I exercise every other day
(b) my father died of myocardial infarction
(c) my cholesterol is 180
(d) I smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day

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