Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Set-23

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 151:-

Metabolic changes associated with excessive vomiting includes the following?

(a) Metabolic acidosis
(b) Hyperchloremia
(c) Hypokalemia
(d) Decreases bicarbonates

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 152:-

Mr Suresh, 45 year old male was admitted into HDU with liver failure due to chronic alcohol abuse. close monitoring of the blood pressure was advised. which change that is associated with liver failure affects the blood pressure of this patient?

(a) Increased capillary permeability
(b) peripheral vasodilation
(c) in increase Renin release from kidney
(d) Hypoalbuminemia

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 153:-

Nurse Ramya is suctioning a tracheostomy tube of adult patient. during the procedure of the catheter appears to attach to the tracheal wall and creates a pulling sensation. what is the best action for the nurse to take?

(a) Continuous suctioning until the obstruction removed
(b) increase the pressure of suction
(c) insert the tube Deep and apply more pressure
(d) release the suction by opening the vent

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 154:-

A client is suspected to be suffering from histoplasmosis. Which of the following factor is associated with the diagnosis of histoplasmosis

(a) He drinks raw cow milk
(b) he walks bare footed in field
(c) He handles fertilizer frequently
(d) he cleans chicken houses

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 155:-

On the first postoperative day of a patient with abdominal resection procedure has been ordered opioid for a pain relief. which of the following critical aspects has to be considered before administrations of an opioid injection to prevent respiratory depression?

(a) Bawal movements
(b) post surgical blood loss
(c) level of consciousness
(d) oxygen saturation

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 156:-

Which of the following artificial ventilation mode is best suitable for a patient with respiratory arrest?

(a) continuous positive Airway pressure
(b) Controlled mandatory ventilation
(c) Assistant controlled mandatory ventilation
(d) non invasive positive pressure ventilation

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 157:-

How will you check the functioning of the ICD tube?

(a) by seeing for continuous air Bubbles coming out of the underwater drain
(b) By seeing the movement of air water column in the tube
(c) By taking x ray chest repeatedly
(d) By auscultation

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 158:-

A Thoracentesis was performed on an adult client. After the procedure, the client has hemoptysis and a pulse rate 80, respiration of 28 the temperature of 99 degree Fahrenheit. Which of these is a greatest concern to the nurse?

(a) Hemoptysis
(b) pulse of 80
(c) temperature of 99 degree Fahrenheit
(d) respirations of 28

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 159:-

A factor predisposing a person to nosocomial pneumonia is….

(a) Oropharyngeal colonization due to mouth breathing
(b) use of nasogastric tube
(c) endotracheal intubation
(d) use of H2 antagonist

Medical and Surgical Nursing MCQ Question 160:-

A client is suspected to have Cardiac tamponade. Which of the following findings in the QRS Complex of a lead II ECG will support the suspension?

(a) Amplitude increase
(b) amplitude decrease
(c) narrowing complex
(d) widening complex

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