Automobile Engineering MCQ page-46

Question 451:- Which of the following cause is of rod noise?
(A) Insufficient lubrication
(B) Low oil pressure
(C) Both are correct
(D) None are correct

Question 452:- A reading of what specific gravity indicate a fully charged condition—
(A) 2·00 to 3·00
(B) 1·220 to 1·230
(C) 1·111 to 2·222
(D) None of these

Question 453:- The cam angle for prestolite is—
(A) 42°
(B) 90°
(C) 60°
(D) 0°

Question 454:- The cam angle for lucas TVS is—
(A) 42°
(B) 30°
(C) 45°
(D) 90°

Question 455:- The point gap of prestolite is—
(A) 0·50 mm
(B) 0·41 mm
(C) 0·01 mm
(D) None of these

Question 456:- The point gap of lucas TVS is—
(A) 0·50 mm
(B) 0·41 mm
(C) 0·01 mm
(D) None of these

Question 457:- The spark plugs gap for making MICO or KLG is—
(A) 0·76 mm
(B) 0·11 mm
(C) 1·0 mm
(D) None of these

Question 458:- For tuning up a jeep engine which is adjusted correctly at last—
(A) Spark plug
(B) Carburettor
(C) Ignition timing
(D) None

Question 459:- The normal oil pressure in a new or overhauled engine must be …… kg/cm2.
(A) 1 to 5
(B) 2·5 to 3
(C) 3 to 5
(D) 5 to 9

Question 460:- Which one of the following is possible cause of insufficient oil pressure?
(A) Unsuitable grade of oil
(B) Spoiled oil
(C) Defective relief valve
(D) All are correct


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