Automobile Engineering MCQ page-47

Question 461:- Which of the following causes is for engine vibrations?
(A) Defective ignition
(B) Defective carburetion
(C) Clutch out of balance
(D) All are correct

Question 462:- The excessive axial play of crankshaft gives a …… noise at irregular intervals.
(A) Higher
(B) Lower
(C) Same
(D) None

Question 463:- What is the possible cause of trouble “engine runs but misses are cylinder”?
(A) Defective spark plug
(B) Stuck valve
(C) Defective head gasket
(D) All are correct

Question 464:- Engine turns over slowly but does not start what is its possible cause?
(A) Discharge battery
(B) Defective cranking motor
(C) Both are correct
(D) None of the above

Question 465:- Which one of the following is smoky exhaust?
(A) Blue smoke
(B) Black smoke
(C) Both
(D) None

Question 466:- What is the possible cause if the engine overheats?
(A) Lack of water
(B) Late ignition timing
(C) Clogged water jackets
(D) All are correct

Question 467:- Which one of the following is the cause of overheating?
(A) Low type pressure
(B) Over speeding
(C) Rich fuel mixture
(D) All are correct

Question 468:- When the vehicle’s starter will not run then its possible cause is—
(A) Main fuse is blown off
(B) Run-down battery
(C) Defective brushes in starter
(D) All are correct

Question 469:- What is the possible cause when horn will not sound off?
(A) Blown-off fuse
(B) Broken circuit wire
(C) Defective horn
(D) All are correct

Question 470:- What is the possible cause when fuel meter gives no indication?
(A) Open circuit
(B) Burnt point
(C) Both
(D) None


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