The side force sustained by the wheel during cornering divided by the slip angle is called, multiple choice question is given below:
Q. The side force sustained by the wheel during cornering divided by the slip angle is called
(a) cornering force
(b) camber force
(c) cornering power
(d) none of the above
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The side force sustained by the wheel during cornering divided by the slip angle is called mcq is given below:
Q. The side force sustained by the wheel during cornering divided by the slip angle is called(a) cornering force
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On the rear end of a crankshaft mounted
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Small holes in the pump body provide a vent for
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The ‘dwell’ is
The air fuel ratio required for the efficient operation of a three-way converter is approximated
The amount of fuel delivered by the injector depends upon the
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The approximate oil pressure in the lubrication system in modern cars is
The bearing clearance is never measured with a
The best hydrocarbons from detonation viewpoint are
The calorific value of alcohol is
The calorific value of gasoline is about
The camshaft controls
The camshaft drive which does not require lubrication is
The capacity of a battery is determined by the number of plates per cell and
The capacity of an automotive engine consider is approximately
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The carburettor provides the correct quality of air-fuel mixture during
The carburettors in which air-fuel mixture is controlled automatically by a computer are called the
The catalyst used in the converter for oxidising HC and CO is
The catalyst used in the reduction converter is
The centrifugal advance machine provides ignition advance proportional to
The charging voltage at the start of the engine is ……………….than when the engine is running on load.
The cheapest yet reasonably precise gasoline injection system is the
The choke is usually closed when the engine is
The clutch used in cars in usually
The colour of negative plate of a lead-acid battery is
The colour of positive plate of a lead-acid battery is
The commonly used material of insulator of spark plug is
The components of secondary ignition circuit include the secondary winding of ignition coil, distributor rotor, distributor cap and
The compression ratio in an automotive diesel engine is usually
The contact breaker gap is set most accurate by means of a
The counterweights on a crankshaft are located opposite the
The cranking compression pressure in a diesel engine is about
The crankshaft bending should not generally exceed
The cylinder bore oversize for reboring is calculated on the basis of
The cylinder bores of aluminium alloy cylinder blocks arc usually plated with
The cylinder head nuts should betightened to a torque of about
The cylinder temperature after compression in a diesel engine is approximately
The drive for the mechanical fuel pump is taken from the
The dwell angle on a six- cylinder engine compared to a four-cylinder engine is
The engine requires overhauling in case of
The engine valves are closed by
The example of a ‘variable venturi’ type carburettor is the
The exhaust valve usually starts opening
The fan in the Maruti car is controlled
The first Indian car to use disc brakes was
The frequency of a vibrating contact type regulator for d.c. generator is
The friction that occurs between the layers of oil in an oil film is called
The fuel feed pump in a diesel engine is mounted
The fuel injection timing in a distributor type pump is controlled by
The function of a stabilizer in an automobile is to decrease the tendency to
The function of charcoal granules is to absorb
The function of quench area in a wedge-shaped combustion chamber is to
The hand brake usually operates on
The ignition coil in an electronic ignition system is triggered on and off by means of a
The ignition temperature of diesel fuel is about
The largest diameter of a camground piston is
The liquid-vapour separator is located near the
The lubrication system in all modern cars has
The lubrication system in all modern cars has
The main purpose of the diverter valve in the air injection system is to
The material used for inlet valve is usually
The maximum disc runout allowed on the vehicle is generally
The minimum number of compression rings in an automotive engine is
The most accurate dynamometer is the
The most accurate petrol injection system is the
The most accurate timer for electronic ignition system is the
The most common lubrication system in automobile is the
The most common lubrication system in automobile is the
The most commonly used car heater is the
The most commonly used valve in an automobile engine is
The most important characteristic of a lubricating oil is its
The most important characteristic of a lubricating oil is its
The most widely used fuel supply system for car engines is the
The negative plate of a lead-acid battery has
The number of ignition coils in a distributorless ignition system for a 6-cylinder engine is
The number of main bearings in a 4-cylinder car engine is usually
The number of positive plates in a battery cell is
The number of windings in the stator of an alternator is
The number of windings in the stator of an alternator is
The object of air conditioning a car is to control therein the
The octane number of iso-octane is
The oil pan in an engine may be made of
The opening pressure of hole type nozzles varies from
The opening pressure of pintle type nozzles varies from
The output of an alternator is controlled by
The PCV valve is located between the
The permissible mixing of cross-ply and radial-ply automobile tyres allows
The piston pins in the modern automobile engines are usually
The piston-skirt clearance at room temperature is about
The position of the PCV valve plunger at idle speed is
The positive plate of a lead-acid battery has
The primary function of lubrication is to
The primary function of lubrication is to
The primary purpose of a ring expander is to
The primary winding of ignition coil consists of
The process in which hydrocarbons are decomposed into smaller hydrocarbons is called
The process of changing the molecular structure of the straight-run gasolines is called
The pump for the air injection system is of
The purpose of piston rings is to control
The purpose of the fan is to
The purpose of the thermostat is to keep the engine
The push rod is located between the
The radiator core is made of
The ratio of main journal diameter and thecylinder bore in a ear engine is approximately
The side force sustained by the wheel during cornering divided by the slip angle is called
The spark occurs when the
The spray of water from a car washer is at a pressure of about
The stalling torques of starting motors for cars vary between
The steering ratio for manual steering of cars is approximately
The stem clearance in the valve guide is checked by means of a
The term ‘ply rating’ with reference to a tyre refers to the
The thermostat valve starts to open at about
The three components of primary ignition circuit are
The three units contained in a regulator for automobile d.c. generator are
The throttle valve controls the supply of
The tool employed to measure the shaft run out is the
The turning circle for a car is approximately
The type of gear axle used on trucks is
The type of reflector used for automobile head lamp is
The type of steering gear used in a Maruti 800 car is
The type of wheel which cannot be used with a tubeless tyre is
The type of wheels preferred in sports cars are
The units of spring scale for the engine indicator are
The uppermost ring on a piston is usually plated with
The use of tetraethyl lead in gasolines is being gradually discontinued because
The valves have to be replaced if the metal to be removed lor smoothening their end surfaces is more than
The vehicle ride will be comfortable if
The venturi in the carburettor causes the
The vibration damper on a crankshaft reduces the
The warpage of cylinder head is checked with a
The width of the valve seat should not be kept more than
To increase output voltage, battery cells are connected in
Trafficators are light signals used for
Tread distortion is least on
Two types of semi-conductors are
V-12 engine is used in
V-eight engine was employed in
Vacuum advance mechanism operate at
Valve overlap occurs between
Valve-actuating mechanism with two overhead camshafts is employed in the engine of
When the choke is applied the fuel come out from the
When the rear wheels are jacked up and gears are in neutral, turning one rear wheel forward in a rear drive vehicle will cause the other wheel to
While lapping a valve, the lapping compound is applied to its
With the increase of battery temperature, the specific gravity of electrolyte