Critical whirling speed of a shaft is increased by, multiple choice question is given below:

Q. Critical whirling speed of a shaft is increased by

(a) Increasing its length
(b) Decreasing its length
(c) Decreasing its diameter
(d) None of the. these

Ans:  (b) Decreasing its length


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When the length of a shaft is decreased while keeping other factors constant, the natural frequency increases. This is because shorter shafts have a shorter span between supports, resulting in a higher stiffness and a higher natural frequency. As a result, the critical whirling speed, which is related to the natural frequency, is also increased.

It is important to note that while decreasing the shaft length can increase the critical whirling speed, it may have other implications on the system’s performance and functionality. Changes in shaft length can impact factors such as load-bearing capacity, bending and torsional stiffness, and overall system dynamics. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully consider all aspects of the design and consult with engineering experts to ensure that the desired outcomes are achieved without compromising the integrity and functionality of the system.

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