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Automobile Engineering MCQ page-77

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Automobile Engineering MCQ Page-77
Question 696:   In an automobile, what type of stress induced in the shafts due to the forces acting upon machine elements like gears, pulleys etc.?

Options :
A. Bending stress
B. Shear stress
C. Principle stress
D. Hoop stress


Automobile Engineering MCQ
Question 697:- In an automobile, what type of stress induced in the shafts due to the transmission of torque?

Options :
A. Bending stress
B. Shear stress
C. Principle stress
D. Torsional stress


Automobile Engineering MCQ
Question 698:- In an automobile, which system’s primary function is to achieve angular motion of the front wheels to negotiate a turn?

Options :
A. Steering system
B. Brake system
C. Ignition system
D. Transmission system


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Automobile Engineering MCQ Page-76
Question 699:- ‘What to do if steering becomes hard due to low tyre inflation?

Options :
A. Increase the engine’s RPM
B. Replace the whole steering wheel
C. Inflate the tyres to the specified pressure
D. Ignore the problem, it will correct itself


Automobile Engineering MCQ
Question 700:- How should the clutch be engaged to avoid a sudden jerk?

Options :
A. Keep it disengaged at all times
B. Should engage gradually
C. Only engage it when coming to a complete stop
D. Engage it quickly



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