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Building Materials MCQ Set-3 Question 11:-

Plaster of Paris is obtained from the calcination of

(a) Kankar
(b) Lime stone
(c) Bauxite
(d) Gypsum

Ans: (d) Gypsum ✔

Building Materials MCQ Question 12:-

Marble contains

(a) Lime
(b) Lime and silica
(c) Silica
(d) None of these

Ans: (b) Lime and silica

Building Materials MCQ Question 13:-

Marble is

(a) Igneous rock
(b) Metamorphic rock
(c) Stratified rock
(d) Sedimentary rock

Ans: (b) Metamorphic rock ✔

Building Materials MCQ Question 14:-

Chemically marble is a

(a) Calcareous rock
(b) Silicious rock
(c) Argillaceous rock
(d) None of the above

Ans: (a) Calcareous rock ✔

Building Materials MCQ Question 15:-

Basalt is classified as

(a) Extrusive igneous rock
(b) Sedimentary rock
(c) Metamorphic rock
(d) Intrusive igneous rock

Ans: (a) Extrusive igneous rock ✔


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