A client on antipsychotics therapy developed muscle rigidity, higher fever, tachycardia, fluctuations in BP, diaphoresis, and Rapid deterioration of mental status to Stupor and coma. these signs and symptoms indicative of A client on antipsychotics therapy developed muscle rigidity, higher fever, tachycardia, fluctuations in BP, diaphoresis, and Rapid deterioration of mental status to Stupor and coma. these signs and symptoms indicative of mcq  given below:

Q. A client on antipsychotics therapy developed muscle rigidity, higher fever, tachycardia, fluctuations in BP, diaphoresis, and Rapid deterioration of mental status to Stupor and coma. these signs and symptoms indicative of

(a) Extrapyramidal symptoms
(b) Oculogyric crisis
(c) Tardive dyskinesia
(d) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome


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