Which of the following is not a characteristic of endogenous depression? mcq given below:
Q. Which of the following is not a characteristic of endogenous depression?(a) feeling of more sadness during morning / |
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Q. Which of the following behaviour by a 35 year old male client indicates congestive development?
Q.The techniques of psychoanalysis includes the following except
Q. According to DSMIV, the positive symptoms of schizophrenia includes
Q. A clinical feature of patient with major depression includes
Q. This side effect of antidepressant include
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Q. When a patient is not aware of his/her mental illness, it is called?
Q. What is the total score in mini mental status examination (MMSE)?
Q. Diagnostic interview with sodium amytal or hypnosis is a special feature of
Q. Which of the following features is present only in dementia when compared with delirium?