Home >> Transportation engineering railway MCQ Set-1

Transportation engineering railway MCQ Set-1 Question 1:-

Rail section first designed on Indian railways was

(a) Bull headed
(b) Double headed
(c) Flat footed
(d) None of the above

Ans: (b) Double headed ✔

Transportation engineering railway MCQ Question 2:-

The steel used for rail contains two important

(a) Carbon and silicon
(b) Sulphur and silicon
(c) Carbon and manganese
(d) Manganese and phosphorus

Ans: (c) Carbon and manganese

Transportation engineering railway MCQ Question 3:-

52 kg rails are mostly used in

(a) Narrow gauge
(b) Broad gauge
(c) Metre gauge
(d) None of the above

Ans: (b) Broad gauge ✔

Transportation engineering railway MCQ Question 4:-

Wear on top or head of rail occurs due to

(a) Heavy axle load
(b) abrasion of rolling wheels
(c) Constant break application
(d) All of the above

Ans: (d) All of the above ✔

Transportation engineering railway MCQ Question 5:-

The misalignment of rails due to temperature changes is known as

(a) Hogging
(c) Buckling
(b) Creeping
(d) Bulging

Ans: (b) Creeping ✔


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