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Naimisharanya famous pilgrimage is located in which of the following distric mcq is given below;

Question 4. Naimisharanya famous pilgrimage is located in which of the following district?
प्रश्न 4. नैमिषारण्य प्रसिद्ध तीर्थ निम्नलिखित में से किस जिले में स्थित है?

(A) Ujjain
(ए) उज्जैन
(B) Mathura
(बी) मथुरा
(C) Sitapur
(सी) सीतापुर
(D) Jabalpur
(डी) जबलपुर

Ans: (C) Sitapur (सी) सीतापुर

[UPPCS (Pre) 2002]

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