Home >> Hydrology and water resources MCQ Set-1

Hydrology and water resources MCQ Set-1 Question 1:-

The infiltration capacity is

(a) Maximum rate of accumulation of water in an area
(b) (Precipitation – evaporation loss) per unit time
(c) Maximum rate at which water enters the soil
(d) Rainfall water entering subsoil

Ans: (c) Maximum rate at which water enters the soil ✔

Hydrology and water resources MCQ Question 2:-

The number of rain gauges required per unit area to fairly reliable data on rainfall over an area is give

(a) Small where rainfall gradient is steep
(b) Large where rainfall gradient is steep
(c) Small for hilly areas
(d) Large for level terrain

Ans: (b) Large where rainfall gradient is steep

Hydrology and water resources MCQ Question 3:-

The site of measurement of snow fall should be

(a) Horizontal
(b) Open to snow fall and in isolation
(c) Sheltered against strong winds and drifting snow
(d) All of the above

Ans: (d) All of the above ✔

Hydrology and water resources MCQ Question 4:-

Convective storm rainfall generally

(a) Of long duration and high intensity
(b) Of short duration but of high intensity
(c) Of short duration and of low intensity
(d) Of long duration and of low intensity

Ans: (b) Of short duration but of high intensity ✔

Hydrology and water resources MCQ Question 5:-

The flow in an open channel is called steady if

(a) The channel always run full
(b) The velocity of fluid remains constant with respect to time
(c) The discharge remains maximum
(d) The head does not change with respect to time

Ans: (b) The velocity of fluid remains constant with respect to time ✔


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