Home >> Environmental (Civil) Engineering Water supply MCQ Set-1

Environmental (Civil) Engineering Water supply MCQ Set-1 Question 1:-

The maximum yield from a tube well is generally about

(a) 50 litres/sec
(b) 30 litres/sec
(c) 20 litres/sec
(d) 10 litres/sec

Ans: (a) 50 litres/sec ✔

Environmental (Civil) Engineering Water supply MCQ Question 2:-

The suitable method for boring in hard rock, hard soil and boulder region is

(a) percussion method
(b) rotary method
(c) core drilling
(d) jetting method

Ans: (a) percussion method

Environmental (Civil) Engineering Water supply MCQ Question 3:-

To determine the velocity of flow of groundwater, the most commonly used non-empirical formula is

(a) Darcy’s formula
(b) Slichter’s formula
(c) Hazen’s formula
(d) Lacy’s formula

Ans: (a) Darcy’s formula ✔

Environmental (Civil) Engineering Water supply MCQ Question 4:-

Generally the maximum discharge from dugwell ranges in

(a) 10 cu. m/hour
(b) 15 cu. m/hour
(c) 20 cu. m/hour
(d) 50 cu. m/hour

Ans: (c) 20 cu. m/hour ✔

Environmental (Civil) Engineering Water supply MCQ Question 5:-

Water to the consumers may be supplied from

(a) rainy wells sunk to the water level
(b) infiltration well dug out on the banks of rivers
(c) infiltration galleries connected to sump well
(d) Spring along the hill slope

Ans: (a) rainy wells sunk to the water level ✔


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