Home >> Design of steel structures MCQ Set-1

Design of steel structures MCQ Set-1 Question 1:-

Junction between the known as flange and web of a beam is

(a) lap joint
(b) butt joint
(c) fillet
(d) shear joint

Ans: (c) fillet ✔

Design of steel structures MCQ Question 2:-

A piece of round steel forged in place to connect two or more steel members is known as a

(a) bolt
(b) rivet
(c) screw
(d) nail

Ans: (b) rivet

Design of steel structures MCQ Question 3:-

The hot driven rivets are

(a) power driven shop rivets
(b) hand driven rivets
(c) power driven field rivets
(d) all the above

Ans: (d) all the above ✔

Design of steel structures MCQ Question 4:-

A riveted joint may experience

(a) shear failure
(b) shear failure of plates
(c) bearing failure
(d) all the above

Ans: (d) all the above ✔

Design of steel structures MCQ Question 5:-

As compared to chain riveting, diamond riveting is preferred because

(a) width of the plate required is less
(b) saving in the material
(c) efficiency is more
(d) all the above are correct

Ans: (d) all the above are correct ✔


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