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Building Construction MCQ Set-2 Question 6:-

In grillage foundations, the distances between the flanges of grillage beams should be equal to

(a) Half the flange width
(b) The flange width
(c) Twice the flange width
(d) Four times the flange width

Ans: (c) Twice the flange width

Building Construction MCQ Question 7:-

If after every three or four stretchers, one header is used in a brick masonry wall, then the bond so formed will be called as

(a) English garden wall bond
(b) Flemish garden wall bond
(c) Stretcher bond
(d) Herring Bone bond

Ans: (b) Flemish garden wall bond

Building Construction MCQ Question 8:-

The wall constructed along the slopes to protect the slopes of cutting from the adverse effect of atmosphere are called as

(a) Retaining walls
(b) Breast walls
(c) Buttresses
(d) Counterfort retaining wall

Ans: (b) Breast walls

Building Construction MCQ Question 9:-

The type of bond in which every course contains both headers and stretchers is called

(a) Flemish bond
(b) English bond
(c) Stretcher bond
(d) Raking bond

Ans: (a) Flemish bond ✔

Building Construction MCQ Question 10:-

The type of bond in which brick masonry containing alternate courses of stretchers and header is called

(a) Flemish bond
(b) English bond
(c) Stretcher bond
(d) Raking bond

Ans: (b) English bond ✔


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