Home >> Building Construction MCQ Set-1

Building Construction MCQ Set-1 Question 1:-

Black cotton soil is unsuitable for foundations because of its

(a) Low bearing capacity
(b) Uncertain permeability
(c) Cohesive particles
(d) Property to undergo a volumetric change due to variation of moisture content

Ans: (d) Property to undergo a volumetric change due to variation of moisture content

Building Construction MCQ Question 2:-

Raft foundations are generally used, when the area required for individual footing is more than

(a) 25% of total area
(b) 30% of total area
(c) 40% of total area
(d) 50% of total area

Ans: (d) 50% of total area

Building Construction MCQ Question 3:-

The steel pile which is generally sunk in soft clay or loose sand of low bearing capacity is

(a) H-pile
(b) Racking pile
(c) Disc pile
(d) Screw pile

Ans: (b) Racking pile

Building Construction MCQ Question 4:-

For soft soil having little the best suited pile is resistance to flow concrete,

(a) Raymond pile
(b) Vibro pile
(c) Franki pile
(d) Simplex pile

Ans: (b) Vibro pile ✔

Building Construction MCQ Question 5:-

The additional pile driven to increase the capacity of supporting loads on vertical piles is known as

(a) Sinking pile
(b) Eccentric pile
(c) Raymond pile
(d) Simplex pile

Ans: (d) Simplex pile ✔


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