Ancient History Multiple Choice Questions Page-4

Question 37. Which one of the following periods is also known as Chalcolithic Age?

(A) Old Stone Age
(B) New Stone Age
(C) Copper Age
(D) Iron Age

[44th BPSC (Pre) 2000]

Ans:  (C) Copper Age    

Question 38. Which of the following sites has yielded evidence of a triple burial?

(A) Kuntasi
(B) Dholavira
(C) Lothal
(D) Kalibangan

[UPPCS (Mains) 2016]

Ans:  (C) Lothal      

Question 39. An ivory scale in Harappan context was found at

(A) Kalibangan
(B) Lothal
(C) Dholavira
(D) Banawali

[UPRO/ARO (Pre) 2014]

Ans: (B) Lothal     

Question 40. The biggest Harappan site in India is

(A) Rakhigarhi
(B) Dholavira
(C) Kalibangan
(D) Lothal

[Jharkhand PCS (Pre) 2016]

Ans:  (A) Rakhigarhi     

Question 41. Which among the following Harappan site terracotta of ‘plough’ was found?

(A) Dholavira
(B) Banawali
(C) Kalibangan
(D) Lothal

[60th to 62nd BPSC (Pre) 2016]

Ans:  (B) Banawali     

Question 42. Mohenjodaro is situated in which of the following?

(A) Gujarat state of India
(B) Punjab state of India
(C) Sindh Province in Pakistan
(D) Afghanistan

[MPPCS (Pre) 2012]

Ans:  (C) Sindh Province in Pakistan     

Question 43. Dholavira is located in the state of

(A) Gujarat
(B) Haryana
(C) Punjab
(D) Rajasthan

[UPPCS (Mains) 2010]

Ans: (A) Gujarat      

Question 44. Who among the following was not associated with the excavation of Harappa and Mohenjodaro?

(A) R.D. Banerjee
(B) K.N. Dikshit
(C) M.S. Vats
(D) V.A. Smith

[56th to 59th BPSC (Pre) 2015]

Ans:  (D) V.A. Smith     

Question 45. One of the following sites from where the famous bull-seal of Indus Valley Civilization was found.

(A) Harappa
(B) Chanhudaro
(C) Lothal
(D) Mohenjodaro

[RAS/RTS (Pre) 2008]

Ans:  (D) Mohenjodaro     

Question 46. The excavation at Chanhudaro was directed by

(A) J.H. Mackay
(B) Sir John Marshall
(C) R.E.M. Wheeler
(D) Sir Aurel Stein

[UP Lower Sub.(Pre) 2015]

Ans:  (A) J.H. Mackay     

Question 47. Which metal has so far not been discovered in Harappan sites?

(A) Copper
(B) Gold
(C) Silver
(D) Iron

[Chhattisgarh PCS (Pre) 2011]

Ans:  (D) Iron     

Question 48. Which of the following civilization flourished on the bank of River Nile?

(A) Roman Civilization
(B) Indus Valley Civilization
(C) Greek Civilization
(D) Egyptian Civilization

[UPPCS (Mains) 2004]

Ans:  (D) Egyptian Civilization     

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